478 copies/mL
Trend over the past 2 weeks:
-60 copies/mL (-11%)
Levels: Very Low: ≤350 copies/mL; Low: 350-700 copies/mL; Moderate: 700-1,050 copies/mL; High: 1,050-1,400 copies/mL; Very High: >1,400 copies/mL
Flu Present in Wastewater at:
sites over the past week
Trend over the past 2 weeks:
-297 copies/mL (-59%)
Flu Present in Wastewater Samples: 9 sites
Flu Not Detected in Wastewater Samples: 1 sites
RSV Present in Wastewater at:
sites over the past week
Trend over the past 2 weeks:
-44 copies/mL (-33%)
RSV Present in Wastewater Samples: 9 sites
RSV Not Detected in Wastewater Samples: 2 sites
RSV = Respiratory Syncytial Virus
The red line on the COVID-19 wastewater concentration figure marks the date the lab testing wastewater for BPHC switched. Data before and after this switch may not be comparable.